10 steps to generate blog traffic to make money Online

>> Monday, 6 September 2010

If you are new to blogging world and want to increase traffic to your blog, then you have to keep attention because I’m going to tell you how you can increase traffic to your blog more quickly and easily. You need to increase the traffic to your blog, then you have to follow the 10 easy steps given below to increase traffic:

1. Promote your webblog to the world. Invite your friends, clients, associates and business colleagues in your network to subscribe.

2. Submit your blog to Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines, so that it get spidered easily. For submitting your site to search engines you should prefer using Sidemap of your webblog. WordPress Support Sidemap Plugin, but if you are on Blogger then you can manually create sitemaps for blogger. To get your Blog spidered easily by the search engines you must create perfect Robots.txt file for your blog.

3. Promote your blog link through printing on your brochures, business cards. Include a link back to your blog on every page of your Web Site.

4. Visit related blogs in your expertise area. Share healthy and helpful ideas and include link back to your blog. Keep in touch with other bloggers who are in your niche market.

5. Promote your Blog link through your E-Mail Signature. If you dont know how to Setup Signature in Gmail then read How to Setup Signature in Gmail.

6. Frequent posts attract your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks, always include links to other articles, blogs and Web Sites in your posts.

7. Use Ping-0-Matic to ping blog directories every time you publish. Only ping blogs related to your content. Also take a look at List of Ping Services for WordPress blog. Use blog directories to submit your blogs. Get a complete list of blog directories.

8. Promote your written articles in article directories and don’t forget to include a link to your blog in the author’s resource box.

9. Every edition of your newsletter must contain a link to your blog, so every time you publish a new issue, insert a blog link.

10. Create a RSS feed URL using Feedburner and let people subscribe to it, creating Feed from FeedBurner also help you to generate Money through your Adsense.
You can make huge revenue from your blog only when you know what to do. Make your Blog work for you, getting more traffic to your blog let you to generate more profits.


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